January 23, 2011

Classic Guitar

Eventually, today is coming!!
I have been waiting for today for 6 months.

Today, I went to guitar recital of Kaori Muraji! this is truly great.
She is one of the top guitar players in the world. en, in the middle of recital, 4 guitar player came and played as quartet, Yasuji Ohagi, Daisuke Suzuki, Shinich Fukuda and Kaori Muraji.
AMAZING. just AMAZING. hella dope!!!

Anyway, I could spend a piece hart warming Sunday afternoon.
If anyone is interest, google them.

btw, I read Meltdown by Thomas woods. this is good book to know what happens in the US economy now; then, I understand my English skill is getting messy. So I started to learn English by american drama like chuck, big bang theory and 90210. In the big bang theory, I hardly understand what Sheldon says....poor me.




もっかのところ、chuckとbig bang theoryとnew Beverly hillsで学び中。
big bang theoryはSheldonの言ってること意味不明。

January 08, 2011

2011 starts

2011 starts.
what I did at first is to check 節分 day and write it down to my calender.
it is 2/3 btw.

This day is important for us, Japanese.I know no japanese agree with me though.This day means change of the season.
Even if someone could live down 2010, I believe we can't feel relief till pass 2/3.
Things continues till 2/3, doesnt end 12/31.
that's only my belief. But I know it is true. haha

after getting 31 years old, I suddenly easy to get tired and feel I get old.
Believe me, people dont get old day by day gradually. people do in one day all of sudden instead.
I go to gym and practice dance weekend. I was fine before. now,,,, I can sleep anywhere after doing the training. lovely.

my work latest news, one member leave the project and we get no new member;So I need to take over his tasks.
1/10 is national holiday. But I have duty. just some system stuff.



1. 自転車を○友に止めてたら産業廃棄物としてscrapにされる。
2. i touchが雨で壊れる。で、新しいの買ったら古いのが直る。
3. 取った内定が適当な感じで取り消される。
4. 過去になく風邪をたくさん引く
5. 契約社員の間は試用期間だからと言われて、正社員になったら正社員の試用期間があると意味わからないことを言われて、会社に入って9か月目、未だ試用期間中。そのうち首になったりして。
6. Kindleを買った3日後にすばらしくupgradeされた3rd generationが発表される。しかも安く。
7. レーシックやったら、手術三日後、病院倒産。




最近 new Beverly hills見てたらkellyが出てきた。ということで引き続きkellyから英語を学ぶ。
