January 04, 2012

Operation Rosedust

Here's translation of last post.

Anyone has several rough experiences in its past. Some of them might not be able to be put in such a light word as “rough”. And some people have to live with severe pain from the past through their entire lives. For standing the pain, it is nothing but useless to think I should forget about it or time heals everything. If you expect to be saved in such a way or treat your pain as healable scar, you should know it’s just your arrogance. No one prepares you such a heart-warming story; therefore, here’s an obvious thing: you must shoulder the burden by yourself. Whatever it is, you need to embrace it deep inside of you. That’s the life after all. That’s the only way you live in this world without killing what consist of you. If one day, If one day there’s a possibility that you can get forgiveness, that’s when you have gone through your life without truck down by your owing. But don’t take this wrong. This happy-end has nothing to do with what you have done in the past. It’s the matter of now. You, only you, belonging to this moment, this second, can make this happen. (Harutoshi Fukui, Operation Rosedust volume one, Page 280)


「誰にだって、辛い過去のひとつや二つはある。中には後悔なんて生やさしいもんじゃ済まない、一生苦しまなきゃなんない過去を抱えてる奴だっているだろう。忘れちまえばいいとか、時が癒してくれるとか、そんなおためごかしはなんの役にも立ちゃしない。救われようってのがどだい虫のよすぎる話だ。だから背負っていくしかない。それがどんなものでも背負って生きるのが人生だとおれは思う。もし赦される時があるとしたら、潰されないで歩ききった時だけだ。それは過去の中身がどうこうって話じゃない。そいつの足腰が強いか弱いかっていう、いまこの瞬間の話なんだ。」(福井晴敏, オペレーションローズダスト(上), P280)

This year, practice breakin' more!