December 30, 2011


Passed FAR and BEC!!!!

Score was on the edge. But, credit is credit.

One of the essay topic had something to do with optimal capital structure. This was what I really studied in Finance class.  I got a lucky! I realized how I loved finance. haha.If I took PhD, I would take financial engineering. This is the field I can show my ability in the US.

Here's what I felt from exam.
I thought I did great, But score shows I was on the edge; then I remembered if testlet was not getting difficult, my score is not good.. questions were not what I expected. not much calculations.. many theoretical problems.

really on the edge!! As I said, I got a lucky!
I didn't know that corporation part is not the scope of the exam anymore. ohhh, mannn. I studied this area a lot... what heck!!  Other than that, many questions from control accounting as someone said in the blog.

I took the exam in Japan. test center was clean and quiet. test center was same place as TOEFL test. I felt nostalgia. 4 Years before, I was there to take TOEFL.





「誰にだって、辛い過去のひとつや二つはある。中には後悔なんて生やさしいもんじゃ済まない、一生苦しまなきゃなんない過去を抱えてる奴だっているだろう。忘れちまえばいいとか、時が癒してくれるとか、そんなおためごかしはなんの役にも立ちゃしない。救われようってのがどだい虫のよすぎる話だ。だから背負っていくしかない。それがどんなものでも背負って生きるのが人生だとおれは思う。もし赦される時があるとしたら、潰されないで歩ききった時だけだ。それは過去の中身がどうこうって話じゃない。そいつの足腰が強いか弱いかっていう、いまこの瞬間の話なんだ。」(福井晴敏, オペレーションローズダスト(上), P280)

December 26, 2011

This 2 years was... English version!

Now, I can draw the line bw US and Japan. My 2 years war was over at 11//5; then, it was really settled at 11/28. At 11/5, after US CPA exam, I took a deeeeep deeeep breath; then, I realized this was the point I should start over. Let’s move forward. Funny thing was I didn’t have to wait till the results came out. The important thing was I could take exam with all my best condition as far as I could. As I said, 2 YEARS, man. What a tough days!!  Anyways, I went through it. Yeeeees!! Since I was in such a great mood after the exam, I smiled all the way to home. If you see me at that time, you thought I was strange or even wired. You had my word. I didn’t care though.
You might think what happened to me in those 2 years. It’s a sad story. But at the same time, it’s a usual bored story. Hope you don’t give up to read this blog for its bored.
I came back from the US 2 years ago. I could hardly explain what I felt on the plane heading to Narita. Nobody could understand my feeling except intentional students who had to go back to their country after graduation in 2009. You know important thing is always not be expressed by any words. If it does, it’s not that important after all. Still I could pick up keyword. ”Loser” simple, isn’t it? We failed to get jobs in the US. We were beaten by the US. The US told us “No needed”. This answer was not expected for me . I felt like I failed world war ll. 
When I went to the US, I had an objective, which is to work in the US at least 2 years. I believed I could do it. Since I quit my job, it is no surprise to have such goal. Who doesn’t? I quit job, men!! I’m serious.
2 years later, I went back from the US without finding job. What I felt was I AM FREAKING LOSER!! I’M CHICKEN!  Ohhh, I could not keep promise of myself. come on……  Even worse, I made terrible excuse to me like there’s a Lehman shock, there’s a recession… what an idiot I am!!! Many of my friends got jobs. Those could not be excuse. I was just a coward.
After coming back, Japanese companies were so cold to me. All companies I took interview said same thing; you could speak English, but we wanted to have a person who could be useful right after hiring. For my 2 years off, companies assumed I’m no capable of job. What a terrible joke! I was almost about to say “YOU GOT BE KIDING ME!!!”. I got what you always wanted! You always say you want to have person with good English skill. Are you out of mind???? Of course I didn’t say that. Haha….
Within such a mess, I started to study CPA. Why US CPA?? It’s the certification of the country where I got a stamp of “LOSER”. Honestly, I didn’t know why I started at that time. But now, it might be true that I wanted to talk to the US on equal footing without servile behavior.
This is why it is big step for me to take exam. I struggled in those 2 years to recover from loser. Eventually, I felt like I come back to Japan, now. Too late?? I know… still At least, I came back. This is important to me. Really, really important to me. So, I would say Hi, I’M HOME! 

December 19, 2011

This 2 years was...

Today, theme is a little bit heavy and serious. Someday, I will update English version. point is this 2 years was tough. But now, it's toward to be settled.


そして2年後、仕事を見つけられずに帰国する。胸中は、もっと真剣にやれば、もっと選ばなければ、何かしらの仕事はあったのではないか? 結局自分がびくついて踏み込めなかっただけなのではないか?という自問ばかりだった。俺は自分の中のそういうどろどろとしたものを歳相応の理屈を並べ立てて逃げてきただけなのではないか?だとしたら原因をリーマンショックやら景気やらのせいにしている自分はただの卑怯者なのではないか? そんなことばかりを考えていた。そして、実際にその通りだった。不景気だってアメリカで仕事見つけた友人は何人もいる。そういうことだ。
では、なぜそれでも続けたのか? これは試験が終わるまで正直よくわからなかった。目標は達成すべきという意地のような気もするし、何かやっていないことには敗北感に押しつぶされてしまいそうだったからなのかもしれない。でも、ようやっと今思うに、俺はそれを越えた先にアメリカと対等に対峙するだけの自我を持てるという可能性を信じていたからなのだろう。その時は明確にはわからなかったけど、これをやれば敗北から立ち上がって、もう一度冷静にアメリカという国を見つめられるのではないかという思いがあったのかもしれない。そしてそれは自分が辟易するレトリックに陥ってでも手に入れる価値のあるものだと。というよりは今の自分を脱するための唯一の方法だと信じていたのだと思う。



So... start over from here, now.

November 19, 2011

Food is vital

I just recovered from food poisoning. I barely eat anything except rice gruel for 2 weeks. oh men... it was hard time. I wanna eat, but I can't; then I realized that food is not amenities of life... literally, I understand. we need food to live on our life. We need food! is it too late? yes, it is. haha. But I learned. As long as we learn from things, our life is not miserable, according to Haruki Murakami. I vote. Now when I eat carrot, I feel happy. what a simple person I am... But life should be piled on such happy experience.

ようやく復活。なにを食べてもうまい。っていうか食物は嗜好品ではない、ということに気づく。どうも、グルメ雑誌とか、あほみたいに高くて大してうまくない料理とか見てるといつしかなんか、そんなんいらないよ的な気分になってくる。そんなんなくても米と納豆と僅かな水さえあれば生きていけるだろう。 とか思っていた。実際戦前、戦中とかそんな感じだったのではないかと。我々は食べ物本来の目的をわすれ、ただただ余興を楽しむために無駄に食べているのではないかと。贅沢民族であると。もはやルイビトンを持つのと変わらない感じなのだろうと。





October 27, 2011


I got a cold… I trianed my body, run, practice… why… probably, my training is not enough to be healthy. Hmmmm. I need to go to gym more. I got a lot to do next week. Need back up plan. anytime contingency plan is necessary. It’s like job. Anyway, rest rest, I may need rest. Thing is I don’t wanna have a rest. Sad things. Of course there’s a good thing. I realized food is important to keep being healthy. (I realize anytime I get cold.). Let’s use more time and money for cooking, cooking cooking… easy to say, man..


October 11, 2011

Easy to die, hard to be alive

Easy to kill, hard to make someone alive.

This is from a book called 一刀斉夢録。

In this long night, this is precious time to read books, look at full moon.
Great autumn is coming.

Recently, I have plenty of time for my own aside from work.I feel I finally graduate from university. this 2 years are like intern. kind of long tough intern though, haha. I know this is strange. But, what I feel is what I feel. Let's follow my instinct.

From now on, I start over, here in Japan... Fall qtr is always good to start things. First thing I would do is to read books; then, start practice dance. Take it slowly and slowly, there's no reason to be in a hurry. If things has gone for this slow speed, it's just how it is. let it go. Over 30 years, this is my style. don't forget about it. Once put myself into quite, calm environment, myself just comes up. It tells me "Relax, things are not worse than you think". Yes, the world is not such a mess after all. haha

Get back my old style.
Don't be ruled by what I think it is rule.



September 04, 2011

Hiromi Uehara

Eventually, I got a CD and listened to her.
Great. Just great. I felt goose pimples.

There's a september moon in the sky.
This is the season I like.

Hella tight Jazz and 上弦の月.
No word to say.



August 14, 2011

July 16, 2011

3 Consecutive Holidays

Finally, We got 3 consecutive holidays!
Since June, Japan doesn't have any national holiday.

Yesterday, I'm almost dead for this hell hot weather and long commuting.
But, from now I can take a rest. Good thing.

Even though I don't have any plan, I have music(KBLX), books to read(Haruki Murakami) and great weather(as long as see it from my home, I like it). I don't need money to spend holidays... haha, what a reasonable easy person I am..

Speaking of reasonable, Japan is in the sale season. I bought some clothes for business and some occasions. there's few place I can go with my jeans and T-shirt. Here's not America. No one go to some sort of formal gathering with T-shirt.

btw, this great weather reminds me of quiet pool side and books. I miss a lot.
At least I can drink beer outside. This is a good side to live in Japan.

this is from my friend. Miss SFC.








June 29, 2011


It's been for 2 year since I graduate.
I feel like it is not real or happened to me. Of course it happened and affect me in many situations in my life. First, I'm not afraid of English. That's a great progress. lol
Another thing, I can't stand commuter train... It's really packed... oh, man,, how come anyone be patient in such mess. Probably, it is JAPANESE POWER, which I do not have. haha




April 23, 2011

After Earthquake,

We are still having aftershocks.
Many companies try to relocate their servers to west part of Japan, including my clients.
Things changes after earthquake. Some are directory, others are indirectly.
hmmmm, it's like Haruki Murakmi's book, "after earthquake".

In 2011, my friend passed away in Feb.

I knew him well and we studied together in Japan. He was really talented guy and we were even almost same age.

Earthquake happens in Mar.

If we can learn from anything, what I leaned from 2 situation is that I need to be alive no matter what happens . If people die, this is it. No matter how talented, generous, and smart, it ends.
Yes, this year is rough time for me, as usual. haha

Cancer kills my friend.
Tsunami kills 10,000+ people.
People kill people in Libya.

If it is too tough to take, listen this. one of the good music in 80's in Japan.










January 23, 2011

Classic Guitar

Eventually, today is coming!!
I have been waiting for today for 6 months.

Today, I went to guitar recital of Kaori Muraji! this is truly great.
She is one of the top guitar players in the world. en, in the middle of recital, 4 guitar player came and played as quartet, Yasuji Ohagi, Daisuke Suzuki, Shinich Fukuda and Kaori Muraji.
AMAZING. just AMAZING. hella dope!!!

Anyway, I could spend a piece hart warming Sunday afternoon.
If anyone is interest, google them.

btw, I read Meltdown by Thomas woods. this is good book to know what happens in the US economy now; then, I understand my English skill is getting messy. So I started to learn English by american drama like chuck, big bang theory and 90210. In the big bang theory, I hardly understand what Sheldon says....poor me.




もっかのところ、chuckとbig bang theoryとnew Beverly hillsで学び中。
big bang theoryはSheldonの言ってること意味不明。

January 08, 2011

2011 starts

2011 starts.
what I did at first is to check 節分 day and write it down to my calender.
it is 2/3 btw.

This day is important for us, Japanese.I know no japanese agree with me though.This day means change of the season.
Even if someone could live down 2010, I believe we can't feel relief till pass 2/3.
Things continues till 2/3, doesnt end 12/31.
that's only my belief. But I know it is true. haha

after getting 31 years old, I suddenly easy to get tired and feel I get old.
Believe me, people dont get old day by day gradually. people do in one day all of sudden instead.
I go to gym and practice dance weekend. I was fine before. now,,,, I can sleep anywhere after doing the training. lovely.

my work latest news, one member leave the project and we get no new member;So I need to take over his tasks.
1/10 is national holiday. But I have duty. just some system stuff.



1. 自転車を○友に止めてたら産業廃棄物としてscrapにされる。
2. i touchが雨で壊れる。で、新しいの買ったら古いのが直る。
3. 取った内定が適当な感じで取り消される。
4. 過去になく風邪をたくさん引く
5. 契約社員の間は試用期間だからと言われて、正社員になったら正社員の試用期間があると意味わからないことを言われて、会社に入って9か月目、未だ試用期間中。そのうち首になったりして。
6. Kindleを買った3日後にすばらしくupgradeされた3rd generationが発表される。しかも安く。
7. レーシックやったら、手術三日後、病院倒産。




最近 new Beverly hills見てたらkellyが出てきた。ということで引き続きkellyから英語を学ぶ。
